Monthly Archives: April 2019

FIRE.081 401k/IRA part of your 4% payday?

DONE!  25xExpenses saved.  You’re ready!  Time to truly evaluate the FIRE lifestyle, or Fully Funded Lifestyle change many of us are talking about right? [insert screeching sound]  BEFORE jumping headfirst into your new awesome lifestyle, please (re)consider two things: Are you calculating your 401k/IRA’s balance(s) in your 4% withdrawal rate? Are your expenses all-inclusive of …Read More

FIRE.080 3 YEARS…1095 days

Three years ago I decided that I should place deposits from my brain on the interweb once in a while.  1095 days have passed with random LifeInFIRE thoughts appearing a couple of times per month. Why?  There is no need in this world of existing information for some strange guy spewing additional words onto the …Read More