I was thinking it is now Quarter Two of the millennium—a full 25 years since the new millennium began. 25 years past the computer crisis of Y2K. Past a New Year’s Eve of sitting in a computer room—for reasons I’m not sure. Different jobs, different bosses, family logistics, different cell phones, vacation homes, and account balances.
I like the abbreviation MQ2 more than MMXXV. But I now realize that it’s only Century Q2, bummer. However, life is so very different than it was around Y2k times.
I’m now fully focused on living our best lives.
The Same
There are things that have stayed consistent. My marriage, my home, my weight loss that was at midpoint on Y2K, even my work/life balance attention.
All of the above consistencies seem straightforward except work/life balance. How can a retired person even consider work/life balance? I think the answer comes down to people continually wanting you to do something for them. Often it is because I choose or have chosen to give my efforts to them. Less frequently it may be from someone who wants to take my time from me, such as jury duty.
What is different—drastically different? Every single morning, I wake up with total freedom. Nearly every day I am bound to only do what I want to do. Once in a while, I have appointments for different things, but many of the appointments are tasks I agreed upon.
Our available resources have grown immensely. We have housing available to us in different locations. We have usable space that is larger than it was for the years leading up to Y2K. We have more/better vehicles to get us around. We have better fitness equipment, musical equipment, and technology equipment. We have more dollars available for us to spend on our important things in life. And speaking of the important things in life, the negative is that we are much closer to End Of Plan.
Maybe this is a great time of reflection. Though, I tend to reflect and think often—as often as every night when I go to bed. Life is great.
I have had a goal for quite a while—to live until 2050. I really want to see the second half of the century. I want to see where technology has progressed and the level we are at. If I think about the changes since 2000 it’s pretty interesting, and I’m hoping the growth is multiplicative, if not exponential,
I’m so excited for this upcoming quarter.
*** Nothing in this article is to be construed as financial advice. I am not a financial planner, nor do I pretend to be. You should always consult your own professional when seeking advice. This post is not a piece of literary mastery, just a random thought I had.