This list I received is a great Table of Contents to get to some great organized FI information.
For this post (my random thoughts), I could not have created anything nearly this great.
Gateway to FI
Entry Level
- 021 | The Pillars of FI
- 029 | The Aspiring Minimalist Vs Reluctant Frugalist
- 019 | JL Collins Index Fund Investing
- 019R |Index Investing
- 009 | Travel Rewards
- 032 | The Milestones of FI
- 032R | The Checkpoints of FI
- 015 | 2nd Generation FIRE
- 016 | House Hacking
- 030 | The Side Hustle
- 033| Design your Future
- 028 | Order of Operations
How to Slash Expenses | How to Double or Triple your Savings Rate
- 012 | Epic Frugality
- 022 | The True Cost of Car Ownership
- 007 | Crushing the Grocery Bill
- 020 | Entry Level Middle Class
- 041 | The High Cost of Living Path to FI
For Specific Cohorts
- 013 |Teachers, FIre FIghters, Police Officers, and State employees
- 026 | Doctors Lawyers and High income professionals
- 005 | Dave Ramsey Graduates
- 068 | Financial Peace Graduates | What Next? | Andy Hill
Advanced FI
- 017R | The Roth Conversion Ladder
- 018R | Capital Gains Harvesting
- 034 | The Stock Series Part 2
- 034R | How to determine your Risk Tolerance
- 035 | Sequence of Returns
- 035R | The 4% Rule Explained
- 043 | Drawdown Strategy
- 066 | The Emergency Fund…Is it a Bad Idea? | Big ERN The Reveal
- 066R | Letting Go of the Emergency Fund
- 048 | The Happy Philosopher | The Happiest Man in the Room
- 050 | Domestic GeoArbitrage | Freedom is Groovy
- 060 | Medical Tourism | Myles Wakeham
- 061 | Mindfulness | Cory Muscara
- 073 | Jamila Souffrant | Fail Forward
- 076 | Planned Spontaneity | Mrs Adventure Rich
- 070 |Your Money or Your Life | Vicki Robin
Earn More
- 049 | Alan Donegan & The Escape Artist | The Aggregation of Marginal Gains
- 069R | How to Start a Blog
- 073R | How to Make Money Online
- 074 | Ryan Carson | Learn to Code | Treehouse
2nd Generation FI
The FIRE is spreading!
Brad and Jonathan
*** Nothing in this article is to be construed as financial advice. I am not a financial planner, nor do I pretend to be. You should always consult your own professional when seeking advice.