Here is a list of all my posted thoughts:
- FIRE.206 Curiosity replace purpose?
- FIRE.205 Purpose Perplexion
- FIRE.204 Do you wish you had a pension?
- FIRE.203 DecaFIRE Independence
- FIRE.202 FI Bucket
- FIRE.201 Money Buys Happiness?
- FIRE.200 The Opposite-inside the Box
- FIRE.199 – 99% Probability Money HOGs
- FIRE.198 Are you, who you are?
- FIRE.197 Have you ever wandered…
- FIRE.196 Have you ever wondered…
- FIRE.195 Retirement Drift
- FIRE.194 Wasting or Rewarding
- FIRE.193 Hell yes or no, or Yes
- FIRE.192 What’s Time Worth?
- FIRE.191 Due Day,Deux, Do, Do’s, Dos…
- FIRE.190 Misfit?
- FIRE.189 All The Time…
- FIRE.188 “Policy”
- FIRE.187 10X Strategy
- FIRE.186 Freedom On Trial
- FIRE.185 Do you care?
- FIRE.184 FI-Nest, FInest
- FIRE.183 QTR-Quality Time Remaining
- FIRE.182 4% Compass vs GPS
- FIRE.181 Does FI=Wealthy?
- FIRE.180 Health,Happiness,Helping
- FIRE.179 thrEEE
- FIRE.178 CSO
- FIRE.177 Whatever, Whenever, or Never
- FIRE.176 Full Time Free Time
- FIRE.175 Accidental Job 3
- FIRE.174 LifeBeforeFIRE
- FIRE.173 Best Purchase
- FIRE.172 7 years
- FIRE.171 EconoMe
- FIRE.170 Certified! / Certifiable?
- FIRE.169 First period
- FIRE.168 “Christmas Card”
- FIRE.167 Intelligence?
- FIRE.166 Xmas morning…evening
- FIRE.165 When? If Not Now?
- FIRE.164 ToDo -> Remember List
- FIRE.163 Why do I wait?
- FIRE.162 I Hate this Post
- FIRE.161 Lazy or Lazer…Laser
- FIRE.160 Throttle Down
- FIRE.159 Whacked
- FIRE.158 Throttle Up
- FIRE.157 BOOM ?
- FIRE.156 40years of finance
- FIRE.155 Claiming your Place by the FIRE
- FIRE.153 AWE-some
- FIRE.152 Anything
- FIRE.151 SNAKE Surprise
- FIRE.150 FIRE Time Travel
- FIRE.149 6 yrs
- FIRE.148 I know, I know, a Tech Bro?
- FIRE.147 Wait! Net Worth…Weight?
- FIRE.146 20/20 Vision
- FIRE.144 Chautauqua or Minitauqua?
- FIRE.143 Another Decade
- FIRE.142 Structure yourself for decades
- FIRE.141 7 Year Stretch/Review
- FIRE.140 Breathing Around…
- FIRE.139 Non-CampFI Investing
- FIRE.138 CampFI Southwest 2021
- FIRE.137 20 minutes until?
- FIRE.136 New Numbers Tracked
- FIRE.135 Heart Rate_Recovery
- FIRE.134 First thing in the morning
- FIRE.133 1-2-3-4-5 Gears
- FIRE.132 HUGE small Living
- FIRE.131 Savings Increase Plan
- FIRE.130 Market high=Horrific low
- FIRE.129 REally? (fiRE)
- FIRE.128 Follow the Masses?
- FIRE.127 Mustang/Life Repair Lesson
- FIRE.126 10 Favorite Things
- FIRE.125 5-year-blog
- FIRE.124 Age is Relative
- FIRE.123 35-50
- FIRE.121 Mojo Phase
- FIRE.120 Income Satisfaction Fallacy?
- FIRE.119 Resolutions, Revelations, Goals
- FIRE.118 Am I Rich, Really? (time)
- FIRE.117 I’m Rich…in Time
- FIRE.116 “Cute” = $$$
- FIRE.115 Hedonic Treadmill Thoughts
- FIRE.114 COVID: Retirement Test Drive?
- FIRE.113 What a Morning
- FIRE.112 AC/BC
- FIRE.111 IF Lockdown…
- FIRE.110 Aging out….50!
- FIRE.109 FIRE Summattire
- FIRE.108 Your Butterfly after Isolation
- FIRE.107 OShRE
- FIRE.106 Quarantiners Can’t Be Choosers
- FIRE.105 Giving Differently
- FIRE.104 FIrus
- FIRE.103 Isolation Goals
- FIRE.102 COVID-19 Posting
- FIRE.101 RothIRA wrong choice?
- FIRE.100 I’m 20% older?
- FIRE.099 Raving 20s
- FIRE.098 Gym 1000 weeks
- FIRE.097 Churmoil
- FIRE.096 Retirement costs 80% of Income?!
- FIRE.095 ChooseFI Organized
- FIRE.094 Your Friends…Your Future
- FIRE.093 I Can Wait
- FIRE.092 Good News or Bad News?
- FIRE.091 Five Years in FIRE
- FIRE.090 Benjamin Franklin FIRE
- FIRE.089 Pure Zen
- FIRE.088 FIRE Perception…Ughh
- FIRE.087 This Country Started in Debt
- FIRE.086 Transition Thoughts
- FIRE.085 Power Center CampFI
- FIRE.084 Back Rack, Sale Rack
- FIRE.083 Do You See Outside the Headlights?
- FIRE.082 We PASSED the Joneses today
- FIRE.081 401k/IRA part of your 4% payday?
- FIRE.080 3 YEARS…1095 days
- FIRE.079 Sacrificed? 25%=100% return
- FIRE.078 Rev Up your Gym visit!
- FIRE.077 FIRE = FREIdom…Freedom
- FIRE.076 Remote work change
- FIRE.075 Fully F* It Job Change
- FIRE.074 Sale Away Cruise Deals ?
- FIRE.073 Takeaways from my life to date
- FIRE.072 Goodwill-Good Stuff, Goodness
- FIRE.071 WE-Day (WE-dnes-DAYs)
- FIRE.070 Honey merry Xmas debt keys
- FIRE.069 Vegan Budget Buster
- FIRE.068 This is your Brain
- FIRE.067 No Pants Post
- FIRE.066 Yola’s Loving Energy (sad)
- FIRE.064 “Financial Planning” Education
- FIRE.065 What if the FIRE goes out?
- FIRE.063 80% and NOW!
- FIRE.062 CampFI…Mind Blown
- FIRE.061 Super Frugal – Upper Frugal
- FIRE.060 Sum of the Parts
- FIRE.060 Magical Mornings
- FIRE.058 Life Can Sucker Punch
- FIRE.057 One-Step Below Cool
- FIRE.056 Student Loan Advantage
- FIRE.055 Dividend Paying Asset: House
- FIRE.054 Part Deux – Repriorment
- FIRE.053 Financially Sound
- FIRE.052 Good News, Goodwill
- FIRE.051 ChooseFI Group: Enjoying Life
- FIRE.50 MMMMM Frosting
- FIRE.049 Retirement is Crazy Busy
- FIRE.048 FI’ers
- FIRE.048 Your Timeline vs Automobiles
- FIRE.046 401k car to nowhere
- FIRE.045 Let’s think about THE Number
- FIRE.044 Fully FIREd Household ?!
- FIRE.043 Holiday Monday
- FIRE.042 FIRE ignition,Day 1=free
- FIRE.041 Time Spent Vacation Planning
- FIRE.040 55+ Community SECRET
- FIRE.039 Any Day, Any Time !
- FIRE.038 So you want more money
- FIRE.037 What and I doing here?
- FIRE.036 Student Loans in Retirement?!
- FIRE.035 Same Spouse, Same House, Same Family Size & Cars
- FIRE.034 FIRE Morning Miracle
- FIRE.033 Your Money Level by Grade
- FIRE.032 5/20 = 20/50, what?
- FIRE.031 House or Health? (yes, both)
- FIRE.030 100k bonus! Yes, but I earned it
- FIRE.029 One in a Million? a Dozen? – You have millionaire neighbors
- FIRE.028 My week on FIRE
- FIRE.027 99cents —for my thoughts
- FIRE.026 What the F!? —F The Rules!
- FIRE.025 Why are you doing that!?
- FIRE.024 UnNecessities
- FIRE.023 Xmas Revelation(s)
- FIRE.022 OVERLOADED! Life is good.
- FIRE.021 Make your life easier
- FIRE.020 Peer(s) pressure- Some ways I’m different from others
- FIRE.019 Free Money: The Alternate Angle, Families
- FIRE.018 Are there aliens out there?
- FIRE.017 Enjoying life through all phases
- FIRE.016 What do you do?
- FIRE.015 Track your Net Worth !
- FIRE.014 Local exploration (driving)
- FIRE.013 Retirement Magic Wand – Spend like your retired
- FIRE.012 A 2am Secret
- FIRE.011 Act 3 = FIRE
- FIRE.010 Tracking our spending
- FIRE.009 Think 60
- FIRE.008 Health, Happy, Family
- FIRE.007 Check my Math – Monthly Retirement Savings
- FIRE.006 Saving Early/Often, Invest wisely—My Life Lessons
- FIRE.005 Schetchle your life
- FIRE.004 Thank you-for helping me get here
- FIRE.003 Retirement: FIRE to me
- FIRE.002 Blog Goal
- FIRE.001 LifeInFIRE, it’s wonderful