Why do you think normal retirement age is 65, 66, and early is 62ish, and late may be 69+?
Having been freed from my 8-5 job, I’ve had time to reflect on many, many thoughts. My newest thought is to “think 60.” The more I thought about “think 60,” the more I realized it can take many perspectives.
Let start with—Live each 60 minutes, Obviously days get super busy and the hours fly by and you can miss so much—so much enjoyment—while you push through your daily activities and responsibilities. Stop, or slow down, take a breath and realize the 60 minute you are living in. I’m not zen (yet) but I’m sure this is a big part of the “be in the now” idea. Yes, you can be busy and spend a few hours on a task, but take the time to value your efforts, whatever they may be at the moment. Hopefully, you are able to find enjoyment or at least some satisfaction in the task.
OK bigger picture, If you’re young, think like your 60 years old, be smart and wise. What would the older you say to the younger you? Would you say “don’t miss your life going by?” Would you say “try harder” “save more” “live more” “keep the future in mind” or something else? What can you do while you’re younger to set yourself up for a great 60 and beyond?
If you’re older, think like you’re only 60 years old, be young at heart. I know we all heard “sixty is the new 50.” Maybe people say that because once they hit 60, they realized they aren’t old. Maybe these people realize that today’s 60 year-olds are younger at heart, more active, more interested in new things, still setting goals, still looking onward. Don’t let your age number slow you down. Don’t let slower people who happen to be around you slow you down. Find people that are younger than you—maybe those who are free—and hang out with them. Challenge them in a way that challenges you.
So why do you think 60 could be an important number for you? Maybe that’s when true wisdom settles in for so many people. You often hear “old and wise,” why not be proactive and become young(er) and wise(r)? If you’re reading this, you surely are a thinker, unless Google screwed and sent you here incorrectly…