Category Archives: blog

FIRE.215 pURPOSE_Deep Thoughts

I’ve given this a lot of thought—especially with all the activity around the release of Jordan’s new book. I’m sure those 3 things will make your life—and the lives of those around you—better. *** Nothing in this article is to be construed as financial advice.  I am not a financial planner, nor do I pretend …Read More

FIRE.213 Too Busy

These are just my recent thoughts. Do you have the feeling at times that you are too busy, or WAY too busy? Have you already graduated from your career and have most of the day’s hours at your disposal? Have you heard a retired person say “I’m so busy that I have no idea how …Read More

FIRE.212 A Decent Descent

I have thought through many usage models for our savings/assets.  How should we pay for our life expenses and desires over time? We all know about the 4% rule of thumb, other Safe Withdrawal Rate research—and a famous blog series —, various guardrails, the wing it methods, the MDF and Fun Number, the Base Great …Read More

FIRE.211 Oldering?

Before I drafted my Age Grouping post, I had started typing these thoughts, which are still valid as a separate post. When do you get old?   When do you realize you’re old? Is old a number? I look at my friends and peers and think “These people don’t seem mid-50s.”  Is this because they’re in …Read More

FIRE.210 Age Groupings

Today I realized it’s over—well, over soon. I’ll soon end my time in my current age grouping. I noticed that some surveys are using the age groupings for adult into LARGE bands of under 35, 35-54 and 55 and over.  Those make three nice big age groups: younger adults, middle adults and older aging adults.  …Read More


I’m a lot more relaxed and calmer being FIREd. I think of it as an Optimistic Cautious Disposition.  That is far from some people’s Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders.  It’s not quite the opposite but far towards different ends of the spectrum.  I will say that for much of my life, I’ve been very detail-oriented.  Very task or …Read More

FIRE.208 You Don’t Get Many Days

…like this, in early retirement. I was scheduled for Jury Duty this week.  It was Federal Jury Duty so it was to be a week of calling and driving into downtown, parking, and shuttling to the courthouse to do my civic duty.  Nevermind killing time roaming around at lunch and having to pay for food. …Read More

FIRE.207 If You Don’t Fly 1st Class…

Another post about dying…always interesting to me. BAM There’s a simple smack-you-in-the-face saying that I’m understanding better. “If you don’t fly first class, your kids will.”  Or if you don’t fly first class, your kid’s spouses will. If I don’t fly first class, my niblings, charity execs, and government leaders will.  I’m NOT thrilled with …Read More