I was typing fun bucket the other day and had a shift key issue and noticed if a few letters were missing and I ended up very similar to “FU money.” That got me thinking about enjoying, maybe “going for it” a little (or more than a little)
The typo and my mind shift made me really focus in on how going wild with a fun bucket could be similar to YOLO and even FOMO.
I think how many people on their deathbed do not regret the things they did, but rather, regretting the things they did NOT do.
Missing out on living life seems to be a common theme from people who “wait until later.” Do people who postpone, possibly postpone too long, until it’s too late. I always seem to save the best for last. I always want the bad news first. I want to get over the bumps and get to the smooth road. For the past few years, I have wondered if I should do more of the good stuff now. I’m happy to report (to myself mostly—maybe my wife also) that I am doing the good stuff now. I’m reducing the friction of life when possible so I can have more enjoyment. Not just for my personal enjoyment, but for my wife as well—who definitely deserves the best life. (Those who know me know the saying at my house, “too much Kevin”) Use your life’s preparation for the good things. The good things for an enjoyable life all along the way, along the journey. Do the good things when you are physically and mentally able to do them, AND ENJOY THEM.
When we were in our mid-late 40s we went to Pompeii and walked around the 2000-year-old ruined city. We both talked about how it would be VERY hard to navigate the nightmarish street stones, and drainage channels, especially while walking up/down the inclines. For this reason, we are planning our physically harder travels sooner rather than later. Places like Eastern Europe for example seem like the travel will be harder than France or Spain. I think for Asia trips how saving Japan until later since it’s easier than some of the other countries where travel will be harder.
I didn’t mention the added benefit of FI and the ability to travel off-peak and avoid a large portion of the crowds as well as the increased cost of peak season travel. So we bring jackets (and long-running pants/shirts).
Conscientious spending, deferred spending, identifying the want, researching, planning, pricing, and purchasing seems to work for me. I almost always get what I truly want at a smart price. Sometimes it seems smarter to make a list of wants and figure out which are important rather than just placing the item in a cart and BAM it arrives at home. (Yes, I do get shipping/delivery notifications with no idea what the item is, but larger items, I know exactly what’s coming)
This smattering of thoughts brings me back to the retirement bucket strategy addition of the Fun Bucket. A popular retirement cash flow (drawdown/decumulation) strategy is to have three buckets (0-2 years of cash, 2-5/8 years of safe(r) holding/bonds, and the rest in long-term growth assets/stocks). This then introduces concerns for emergencies, long-term care needs, etc. It’s all a balancing game with your assets.
I find it a very interesting concept of peeling some money away from one’s asset allocation for FUN—and only fun—seems like a great idea if you have enough funds. The hard part is actually doing it!
*** Nothing in this article is to be construed as financial advice. I am not a financial planner, nor do I pretend to be. You should always consult your own professional when seeking advice. This post is not a piece of literary mastery, just a random thought I had.