Well, the only thing I opened on Xmas morning was a positive covid test. Now, less than a week later I am fine, back to 100%. I only have 18 hours of feeling crappy.
This event interrupted my normal drafted programming.
Xmas eve (Sat) after a 6-hour long large family gathering I had the chills. Earlier in the afternoon I had a headache and was tired. I figured it was just children/family overload (it may have been).
Sunday I tested positive even though I just had chills, a headache, and felt kind of tired with sniffles all day.
Monday day2 headache and chills were gone, and my energy was close to normal. Just had sniffles, a little head pressure, and a light cough. For 3 nights I was sweating, probably the massive comforter I never use but was under for some reason.
Tue day 3 felt fine just a little cough and sniffles for the next couple of days. This felt like a normal cold, but not quite as bad, but lasted a day or two longer.
I did, out of precaution, take the entire week as a limited exercise week, only doing two pelotons (I still pushed on the leaderboard some).
So Xmas Sunday am, I open covid. Then that Xmas evening my mom’s housemate called to tell me my mom’s leg is swelling and purple, REALLY BAD. They plan to call 911 in the morning for the ambulance and ER admittance (I can’t take her, I have covid).
Turns out that my covid recovery is shorter than a hospital stay for a Coumadin blood thinner bleeding hematoma incident. My mom came home from the hospital on Thursday to start a whole new world of home healthcare, PT, OT, etc.
Luckily my wife helped my mom in the ER and into her room for EIGHT + HOURS. Turns out that when you have Alzheimer’s you are useless to your caregivers. Actually, my mom was detrimental to her care repeatedly tearing off the sensors and trying to get out of bed when she was a major fall risk. Alarms kept going off.
It’s now two weeks past Xmas and I can tell this year will be the start of a much more time-consuming life with my mom.
My word of the year was going to be “better.” Better “everything.” My word has now changed to “survive.”
I’m sure this year will require a whole new perspective and set of actions in the caring for my mom, as well as her housemate who is not well.
You never know when life may fall apart and be required to be put back together, or worse, may not go back together.
Find the positive. Enjoy some of your favorite things in your day.
*** Nothing in this article is to be construed as financial advice. I am not a financial planner, nor do I pretend to be. You should always consult your own professional when seeking advice. This post is not a piece of literary mastery, just a random thought I had.