Category Archives: blog


Let’s start this thought with the fact that I have a lot of friends and peers who share knowledge and wisdom making my life better. I have a close group of these friends and while keeping their secret identities well, secret, I can say we do meet monthly and talk about very important topics related …Read More

FIRE.156 40years of finance

I’m 52 and I realized that I’ve now reached 40 years of finance/saving/planning experience.  I’ve mentioned before that my dad started teaching me about our family finances: spending tracking, saving, bond investing, home mortgage, etc when I was 12 years old. Saving I had to open a savings account when I was 12 after I …Read More

FIRE.155 Claiming your Place by the FIRE

I’m thinking way out of my knowledge zone here, but here goes… I understand that tribes tend to gather around a fire for community and cultural activities.  I heard on a podcast that the tribes often put their most experienced or most influential storytellers close to the campfire.  It’s like center stage in the tribal …Read More


In the midst of my afternoon brain-chilling, cooling, relaxing—not quite meditating time, I realized I’ve hit 8 years in FIRE.  I’m now well beyond any 7-year itch or stretch.  I was thinking, that if I were an “ordinary” retiree at age 65, then I would be into my RMD phase and having to do extra …Read More

FIRE.153 AWE-some

As a teenager in the 80s, many things stick into your core— into your expanding nature, and your nurture—just as anyone teenager’s decade.  But I never realized such a simple connection existed between terminology and its definition over the past 40 years. While traveling (driving) around the Pacific Northwest area I listened to a LOT …Read More

FIRE.152 Anything

Somehow along the way I’ve become encircled with gratitude. While I do take the moments after reaching my first-morning consciousness to take some breathes and appreciate my morning/day/life, I also have other gratitude times. I know, I know, again with my “commute,” but when I’m sitting in my spa, or on my patio each—and every—morning …Read More

FIRE.151 SNAKE Surprise

I went for my desert trail run a few days ago—like I do every week—and it was great.  I started a little earlier than normal, about 7:30am.  It was still cool out, probably in the upper 70s.  I didn’t have a lot of energy so I was careful to make sure I lifted my feet …Read More

FIRE.150 FIRE Time Travel

FIRE allows me time freedom, or more specifically, schetchle freedom. Let me continue to expound on my travels—post Palo Alto Tech Bro observation. Much like a wanderer but with a more defined route, I sketched out a 2 or 3-week road trip.  This trip was quite honestly one that had been on my ToDo list …Read More