I’m a lot more relaxed and calmer being FIREd.
I think of it as an Optimistic Cautious Disposition. That is far from some people’s Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. It’s not quite the opposite but far towards different ends of the spectrum.
I will say that for much of my life, I’ve been very detail-oriented. Very task or goal driven when required. I’ve also been quite a correctivenest, but not a perfectionist. I want things correct.
Now, I can tell I am much better at going with the flow and just trying to keep progressing forward. It’s more like kayaking in a river with currents than following a bike path. No big goal to reach (at this time) or project underway, just a “better” mentality.
Better was my word for the year a few years ago and I still strive to get better, or at baseline—don’t get worse, or much worse.
Sometimes I think of the task of ordering something on Amazon and reading spec lists, reviews, competing items, and checking other online stores for better prices. I’ve been known to spend almost an hour of research on a $12 item. Yes, I did tend to end up with what I wanted, but I also lost an hour of my life…and how good is saving $2 and wasting an hour?
I’ve written about the 2 am secret— a magical FIRE benefit. If (when) I wake up and start thinking and processing it’s no longer a blue digital alarm clock staredown. It’s just a feeling of being relaxed in bed and not having to worry about any beep beep beep or buzzer. I think that helps me fall asleep (if I’m smart and don’t get out of bed) more easily.
LifeInFIRE is just my random thoughts.
Being optimistic is easier when you have assets to use for emergencies. The saying “money fixes problems that money can fix.” That’s true. That’s powerful.
What about non-money fixable problems? I think that is what I’m working towards.
Are there problems ahead that are known? Are all the problems ahead unknown? Can your assets—at any stage in life—be used to prepare yourself and your family for some gotchas ahead?
Think about basic health. Exercising and eating better quality foods can only help steer you towards a better future body. What about diseases and other inside things? Maybe paying for medical care, tests, or scans upfront may catch problems when they’re small/smaller.
Vehicles and breakdows/repairs, not available while at the shop, are examples where money can fix the problem and possibly eliminate the issue if maintained well.
Mindfulness. Maybe investing some assets into your mindfulness and perspective will pay off with a better outlook and future. Maybe this investment will help us identify the drivers or interests we don’t immediately see in our day-to-day lives. Maybe we can get multiplicative returns on this investment in ourselves.
What if?
All of these optimistic thoughts are bordered by my logic of caution. There are going to be problems. There are going to be unknowns that must be dealt with. If I attack those problems with a positive attitude (which take work for me) then those issues seem more manageable and fixable.
I remember many times in my last few years at work (after I had planned to FIRE but stayed working because I loved my job and didn’t need it) when there was a computer system problem or outage and people around me were so stressed. There were even times people on the conference calls would subtly point the blame towards other people fearing reprimands or termination concerns.
I often was so laid back and just talked through each failure point and resolution possibilities or possible workarounds. The worst case for me was the best FIRE outcome. I don’t regret staying 2 of the 3 years. The third year the remained of my team were laid off and the travel I had to pick up twice a month was kind of crappy, but I couldn’t shift that to anyone until I left.
I find a wonder in being optimistic with some caution as I proceed ahead. My brother-in-law is a risk taker and always says “What’s the worst that could happen?” as he moves forward. I don’t think the worst really ever happens. We’re always worried that a lion is out there to eat us.
Find The Positive. FIRE is AMAZING.
*** Nothing in this article is to be construed as financial advice. I am not a financial planner, nor do I pretend to be. You should always consult your own professional when seeking advice. This post is not a piece of literary mastery, just a random thought I had.